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58 reviews
2.8 M downloads

The Russian social media par excellence

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OK.RU is the official app of the social media platform used by millions of users: Odnoklassniki. With OK.RU you can share photos, videos and posts with your friends and family. You will also be able to use your favorite services without leaving the app.

OK.RU allows live streaming, creating groups of friends to chat with, and sending voice notes or music files. OK.RU's goal is to be able to stay connected with your acquaintances without having to use different communication tools or rely on generating thousands of personal profiles.

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By using OK.RU you will get to meet people in real life thanks to the communities present within the app—thus meeting new people without having to visit apps like Tinder or Badoo. OK.RU's operation is similar to that of other apps that you surely use daily: streaming music, sharing photos that are only available for 24 hours, playing trending video games and watching movies.

All these features are integrated into OK.RU, the most widely used social media in Russia, aiming to be Instagram, Twitch, movie streaming platforms, WhatsApp and Tinder all at once. Download this APK and start enjoying OK.RU.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

Is OK.RU free?

Yes, OK.RU is free. As usual for this type of social app, it also offers in-app purchases, this time to access music without ads.

How can I download OK.RU for Android?

You can download OK.RU for Android from the Uptodown platform, where you'll find the latest version of this app's APK. Once the file is downloaded, simply grant the necessary installation permissions and run it.

What is the file size of the OK.RU APK?

The OK.RU APK file takes up about 200 MB, so you'll need to adjust the storage space on your Android to be able to use this app without problems.

In which countries is the music section of OK.RU available?

The music section of OK.RU is available in the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine.

Information about OK.RU 24.8.14

Package Name ru.ok.android
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Social
Language English
18 more
Author Odnoklassniki Ltd
Downloads 2,777,300
Date Aug 15, 2024
Content Rating +12
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 24.6.17 Android + 7.0 Jun 18, 2024
apk 24.6.13 Android + 7.0 Jun 15, 2024
apk 24.5.29 Android + 7.0 May 31, 2024
apk 24.5.23 Android + 7.0 May 27, 2024
apk 24.5.15 Android + 7.0 May 16, 2024
apk 24.4.15 Android + 7.0 Apr 18, 2024

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58 reviews


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glamorousgreenkingfisher10755 icon
6 days ago

there in your app my dad is😭😭😭

bravebrownchameleon92833 icon
3 weeks ago

Why can't I download Odnoklassniki apps?

gentlebluelizard27724 icon
3 weeks ago

I like it so much

hungrypinkchimpanzee15095 icon
1 month ago

wow super program

magnificentpinkpigeon72014 icon
2 months ago


ligmorais icon
3 months ago

The worst things about OK are liking and having the post in question appear on your profile. This is horrible. because we don't always want to share the post but rather support a friend. If I have 90 ...See more

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